Sunday, June 30, 2013

Kansas: The Wizard of OZ by L. Frank Baum

Subtitle: Summer Reads
The Kansas selection from the Epic Reads blog post is a famous story despite many adults and children only recognizing it from the 1939 movie classic, starring Judy Garland. I am definitely one of these populations. I, however, thought it was a boring selection for Kansas. I mean come on! They are only in Kansas for like half a chapter right? So how could I actually make this interesting? I decided to attempt to investigate the readability of graphic novels. Well then the chronic non-finishing sets in and I didn’t finish it. I know, I KNOW! I have problems.

Here is the thing. I saw the movie so many times and even though I have not read the book, I know the differences as I got curious one day and went on glorious Wikipedia for some answers. Yeah everyone gives me flap for that, but it’s more accurate than Brittanica so I feel no guilt!

Anyways, I have decided to move on and do some “fun” reading while on a little vacay. I ended up reading Skinny by Donna Cooner.  First, I will say that this reads like a problem novel just like Laurie Halse Anderson style and is one which I suffered and sometimes still suffer constantly.  Skinny is the story of a girl, Ever Davies, who at the start of the book is 302lbs. After several attempts at dieting and an embarrassing situation at school, Ever decides on gastric bypass. The rest of the book is Ever losing weight, as well as, losing the voice that keeps holding her back from moving on…the voice goes by the name of Skinny.

This book isn’t just for those who feel constantly fat by the voice in their head, it is for anyone who hears a voice that says they are not good enough. I have a little voice like that and so do many of us. I attempt to ignore her and move on and so should you. I am here to say that the voice is NOT true for any of us, we are all wonderful. So tell that voice in your head to shut the eff up. This book is very well written and I recommend it for those like me who have that voice in their head.

Sorry for the short post, but I have more reading to accomplish. This means I have 34 more books to go!

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