Sunday, June 2, 2013

Preschool Storytime: This Place is a Zoo!

This was a fun storytime and left me exhausted beyond belief. I also realize that I have not done a good job referencing my sources for these storytimes (how wrong of me!). I mainly use storytime katie and Sunflower Storytime as my muse and inspiration so you should check them out. There are plenty of others that escape me, but one day I will share a resources page with you guys.

Welcome song: Going to the Zoo
A great welcome song. Very fun!

Book: My heart is like a zoo by Michael Hall
The kids thought this book was silly enough and laughed through it. I made sure to let them know it was ok to laugh at the book with me. To do this, I did the rhymes in silly voices.

Song: If you’re a …..
If you’re a lion and you know it, roar like this, ROAR
If you’re a lion and you know it, roar like this, ROAR
If you’re a lion and you know it and you really want to show it
If you’re a lion and you know it, roar like this, ROAR
(hyena/ HEEHEE, zebra/STOMP, elephant/trumpet VROOOT, VROOOT)
The kids love it when we do animal voices, so this was a success.

Book: Two at the Zoo by Danna Smith
A great counting book for the kids.

Song: 5 Little Monkeys Sitting in a Tree
If I could, I would have this song at every storytime I do. Preschoolers at my branch adore this song so much that I see them clap on their way leaving storytime.

Book: Giraffes Can’t Dance by Giles Andreae
I know, I KNOW! This technically does not involve the zoo, but it does have zoo animals and is a favorite. Even though this book is rather long, all the kids and their parents loved it.

Song: (To the tune to “We’re on our way to Grandpa’s farm) 
We’re on our way, we’re on our way
On our way to see the zoo.
We’re on our way, we’re on our way
On our way to see the zoo.
Over at the zoo there is a big polar bear
Over at the zoo there is a big polar bear
The bear, it makes a noise like this:
Growl, growl!
The bear, it makes a noise like this:
Growl, growl!
(Great big snake…ssss, Big strong lion…roar, take suggestions from kids)
I loved this and the suggestions the kids gave. Then there was one kid who decided to suggest a penguin. Oops. Luckily, I came up with “the penguin, it walks a lot like this (waddle waddle).” Genuis!

Craft: coloring book

For some reason I was really lazy and decided to print out some coloring book pages of zoo animals. The preschoolers and parents enjoyed it because as the parents told me, their children could always work on their coloring skillz.

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